A Man Who Is Down

Thank You Susan

Higher Than You
A Radical Sense of Comfort

Mercy Please

Summer Song
Don't Ghost Me

Nothing Left

Everything In The World

Talk With Jesus
Maia's Song

Call On Me

It All Depends On How You Spin It

Train With Jesus
I have always loved music. It all started Sunday, Feb. 9, 1964... the night the Beatles first appeared on the Ed Sullivan show. Not really sure how my parents felt about their eight year old son wearing a beatles wig shouting "She Loves You Yeah Yeah Yeah!!!" but it didn't matter because I was hooked.
From my very first concert (Sonny and Cher) to the one I saw most recently (Elton John) and the hundreds more over 50 years, I love that music is the chronicle of our lives and I love the ability it has to bring back memories.
In November of 2019, after an amazing 24 year career as a video producer at Nike, I decided to retire to pursue my passion and hobby for music. Now at 66 years young, it’s time to start a new chapter of life.
Thank you for listening and no matter what it is in life you’re passionate about, pursue it like there’s no tomorrow.